Why a government or political party should adopt a Fair Market Economy
1. Socio-economic results
The central 'have-your-cake-and-eat-it' tenet of the Fair Market Economy delivers fairness and greater overall wealth.

2. Policy for consensus
The Fair Market Economy allows 'everyone to have everything', meaning socialists, capitalists, environmentalists and everyone in between can find they have its policies in common. It reconciles the arch enemies, socialists and capitalists.

3. Wider impacts
By making many things uncontroversial, the Fair Market Economy allows us to save politics from its stop-go tug-of-war, and allows it to become about other more stable goals including foreign policy.
Why the Fair Market Economy isn't controversial
We are not about choice, nor compromise
The win-win essence of the Fair Market Economy means that it doesn't force a choice between economic growth and fairness and doesn't even require a balance to be made between them, but it is rather a solution that allows both to work in harmony and symbiosis with each other at the same time.
We are not about how the cake should be sliced
The Fair Market Economy expands the cake. People can then slice the greater cake as they wish between rich and poor (to close the wealth gap after the Fair Market Economy has risen the tide for all) or between present and future (allocating money to saving the environment after the Fair Market Economy has delivered more to the environment from its existing slice).
We are not taking sides in politics
The Fair Market Economy doesn't take sides in politics and is assertively neutral, subject to a political party's policies being supportive of the dynamics needed for the fairness, efficiency, and win-win results of the theory. Once adopted as a generic platform for society by the party, the particular political party can then choose to do what it wants to build on the platform.