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About the Institute


The Fair Market Economy Institute promotes the Fair Market Economy theory which has been developed by Mark Dixon:


The age-old dilemma of having to choose between socialism and capitalism – fairness versus efficiency – has finally been solved.


Mark Dixon’s Fair Market Economy theory removes the need for choice or compromise between these opposing ideologies – and their twin virtues – allowing the world to 'have its cake and eat it'.


This ‘silver bullet’ solution is based on markedly changing the relationship between the counterparties in each sphere of the economy – between employees and employers, customers and producers, the regulated and regulators.


The theory terms the West’s present economic model the ‘Old Free Market’, accusing it of a patronising attitude toward employees, consumers, the regulated and businesses. It advocates breathing a more proactive force into the human engine of the economy than the free market has ever seen, saying laissez-faire is passé because it’s too passive.


Instead, it proposes an integrated approach to society and the economy, which it calls ‘Facilitez-faire’ to make the point that it is not good enough to leave the market to do what it will do naturally, but we need to facilitate it to work harder.


The theory delivers efficiency through fairness, breaking this catch-22 for the benefit of each of the three legs of the theory:


In the Open-Minded Market, it means facilitating a state of ‘Supermeritocracy’ instead of meritocracy.


In the Consumer Power Market, it means facilitating a state of ‘Superresponsiveness’ instead of a ‘Passive Consumer Effect’.


In the ‘No Regulation without Justification’ Market, it means facilitating a ‘Superstreamlined’ regulatory environment instead of one with regulation inflation.


Each of these three economic sub-theories has two sides to its coin which simultaneously increase fairness and efficiency. Capitalists can get a freer market economy while socialists get a fairer market economy.


This manifesto for the future promises not only to deliver these two virtues that every decent person wants, but, by doing so, to bring together socialists, capitalists, environmentalists, and everyone in between, allowing politics finally to focus on making the world a better place rather than scrapping over the same cake.


Finally, it provides the economic and moral muscle to stop the decline of democracy, and save it from being overrun by totalitarian-communism, so it can win the ‘geomoral’ battle for the future of the planet.

© 2020  Mark Dixon

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